Hao Li / 李 皓
I am a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at Biomimetics & Dexterous Manipulation Laboratory , advised by Prof. Mark Cutkosky . Additionaly, I am actively engaged in the OceanOneK project and have the previlige of working with Prof. Oussama Khatib .
I was a MSc student in Stanford Vision and Learning Lab , working with Prof. Jiajun Wu and Prof. Fei-Fei Li .
I previously received my dual B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Purdue University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Karthik Ramani on Human-Computer Interaction.
I support diversity, equity, and inclusion. If you would like to have a chat with me regrading research, career plans or anything, feel free to reach out! I would be happy to support people from underrepresented groups in the STEM research community, and hope my expertise can help you.
Email: hao.li [@] cs.stanford.edu
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[Nov 2024] We presented our whikser-inspired sensors with OceanOneK at Stanford Robotics Center Launch
[Oct 2024] "Grasp as You Say: Language-guided Dexterous Grasp Generation" is accepted by NeurIPS'24.
[Oct 2023] Passed my PhD Qualifying Exam!
[Jun 2023] "The Design of a Virtual Prototyping System for Authoring Interactive VR Environments from Real World Scans" is accepted by JCISE.
[Feb 2023] "The ObjectFolder Benchmark: Multisensory Object-Centric Learning with Neural and Real Objects" is accepted by CVPR'23.
[Jan 2023] "Sonicverse: A Multisensory Simulation Platform for Embodied Household Agents that See and Hear" is accepted by ICRA'23.
[Aug 2022] "See, Hear, Feel: Smart Sensory Fusion for Robotic Manipulation" is accepted by CoRL'22.
[Sep 2021] Started at Stanford as a MSc student in Mechanical Engineering.
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I have been working on design, fabricate, and understand tactile sensors and the rich information brought by them.
I'm also broadly interested in AI and robotics, including but not limited to perception, planning, control, hardware design, and human-centered AI.
The goal of my research is to build agents that can achieve human-level of learning and adapt to novel and challenging scenarios by leveraging multisensory information including vision, audio, touch, etc.
Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing: A Sim2Real Approach for Precise Underwater Contact Tracking
Hao Li* ,
Chengyi Xing* ,
Saad Khan ,
Miaoya Zhong ,
Mark Cutkosky
(*Equal Contribution)
Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Under Review
project page
/ arXiv
We present the design of underwater whisker sensors with a sim-to-real learning framework for contact tracking.
Navigation and 3D Surface Reconstruction from Passive Whisker Sensing
Michael A. Lin ,
Hao Li ,
Chengyi Xing ,
Mark Cutkosky
International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Under Review
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We present a method for using passive whiskers to gather sensory data as
brushing past objects during normal robot motion.
The ObjectFolder Benchmark: Multisensory Object-Centric Learning with Neural and Real Objects
Ruohan Gao *,
Yiming Dou *,
Hao Li *,
Tanmay Agarwal ,
Jeannette Bohg ,
Yunzhu Li ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Jiajun Wu
(*Equal Contribution)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2023
dataset demo
/ project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We introduce a
benchmark suite of 10 tasks for multisensory object-centric
learning, and a dataset, in-
cluding the multisensory measurements for 100 real-world
household objects.
Sonicverse: A Multisensory Simulation Platform for Embodied Household Agents that See and Hear
Ruohan Gao *,
Hao Li *,
Gokul Dharan,
Zhuzhu Wang,
Chengshu Li ,
Fei Xia ,
Silvio Savarese ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Jiajun Wu
(*Equal Contribution, in alphabetical order)
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2023
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We introduce a multisensory
simulation platform with integrated audio-visual simulation
for training household agents that can both see and hear.
See, Hear, Feel: Smart Sensory Fusion for Robotic Manipulation
Hao Li *,
Yizhi Zhang*,
Junzhe Zhu ,
Shaoxiong Wang ,
Michelle A. Lee ,
Huazhe Xu ,
Edward Adelson ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Ruohan Gao †,
Jiajun Wu †
(*Equal Contribution)
(†Equal Advising)
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) , 2022
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We build a robot system that can see with a camera,
hear with a contact microphone, and feel with a vision-based tactile sensor.
Whisker-Inspired Tactile Sensing: A Sim2Real Approach for Precise Underwater Contact Tracking
Hao Li* ,
Chengyi Xing* ,
Saad Khan ,
Miaoya Zhong ,
Mark Cutkosky
(*Equal Contribution)
Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Under Review
project page
/ arXiv
We present the design of underwater whisker sensors with a sim-to-real learning framework for contact tracking.
Navigation and 3D Surface Reconstruction from Passive Whisker Sensing
Michael A. Lin ,
Hao Li ,
Chengyi Xing ,
Mark Cutkosky
International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Under Review
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We present a method for using passive whiskers to gather sensory data as
brushing past objects during normal robot motion.
Grasp as You Say: Language-guided Dexterous Grasp Generation
Yi-Lin Wei ,
Jian-Jian Jiang,
Chengyi Xing ,
Xian-Tuo Tan,
Xiao-Ming Wu ,
Hao Li ,
Mark Cutkosky
Wei-Shi Zheng
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) , 2024
project page
/ arXiv
We explores a novel task DexGYS, enabling robots to perform dexterous grasping based on human commands expressed in natural language.
The Design of a Virtual Prototyping System for Authoring Interactive VR Environments from Real World Scans
Ananya Ipsita *,
Runlin Duan*,
Hao Li *,
Subramanian Chidambaram ,
Yuanzhi Cao ,
Min Liu,
Alexander J Quinn,
Karthik Ramani
(*Equal Contribution)
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE)
Using our VRFromX system, we performed a usability evaluation with 20 DUs from which 12 were novices in VR programming with a welding use case.
The ObjectFolder Benchmark: Multisensory Object-Centric Learning with Neural and Real Objects
Ruohan Gao *,
Yiming Dou *,
Hao Li *,
Tanmay Agarwal ,
Jeannette Bohg ,
Yunzhu Li ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Jiajun Wu
(*Equal Contribution)
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2023
dataset demo
/ project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We introduce a
benchmark suite of 10 tasks for multisensory object-centric
learning, and a dataset, in-
cluding the multisensory measurements for 100 real-world
household objects.
Sonicverse: A Multisensory Simulation Platform for Embodied Household Agents that See and Hear
Ruohan Gao *,
Hao Li *,
Gokul Dharan,
Zhuzhu Wang,
Chengshu Li ,
Fei Xia ,
Silvio Savarese ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Jiajun Wu
(*Equal Contribution, in alphabetical order)
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2023
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We introduce a multisensory
simulation platform with integrated audio-visual simulation
for training household agents that can both see and hear.
See, Hear, Feel: Smart Sensory Fusion for Robotic Manipulation
Hao Li *,
Yizhi Zhang*,
Junzhe Zhu ,
Shaoxiong Wang ,
Michelle A. Lee ,
Huazhe Xu ,
Edward Adelson ,
Li Fei-Fei ,
Ruohan Gao †,
Jiajun Wu †
(*Equal Contribution)
(†Equal Advising)
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) , 2022
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
/ code
We build a robot system that can see with a camera,
hear with a contact microphone, and feel with a vision-based tactile sensor.
VRFromX: From Scanned Reality to Interactive Virtual Experience with Human-in-the-Loop
Ananya Ipsita ,
Hao Li ,
Runlin Duan,
Yuanzhi Cao ,
Subramanian Chidambaram ,
Min Liu,
Karthik Ramani
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) , 2021
project page
/ arXiv
/ video
We build a system that allows
users to select region(s) of interest (ROI) in scanned point cloud or
sketch in mid-air to enable interactive VR experience.
Academic Services
Reviewer for CVPR, CoRL, ICLR, ICRA, RAL, CHI, HRI